Information Architect

— Kevin Crawford

Major Information Architecture Project Experience

Online Forms Ordering System

Client: The Timken Company  Date: 2000

Project Description: The Timken Company commissioned US Office Products to create an Intranet based online form ordering system to support over 800 internal users ordering over 1700 forms. The system had to track lists of forms for each user, as well as user security. It also had to distinguish which forms were to be pulled from the warehouse, printed on offset equipment from a number of third party vendors, or printed in in-house equipment on demand. I performed the research and strategy phases, with site blueprints, wireframes, and process flow charts. I was also responsible for the online help segment of the project.

Information Management System

Client: The Timken Company, Emerging Technology Department  Date: 2001

Project Description: The Emerging Technology Department of Timken Research was in need of a method to track and categorize information concerning developing technologies. The project was to create a completely scalable information management system that would track and store and display an unlimited amount of items with completely diverse metadata. The system had to be Intranet deployed and modular for interdepartmental re-purposing. I delivered the site architecture after collaborating with the department on the strategy and taxonomy structure. I also filled the role of project manager, user interface designer, visual designer, and usability assessment. The original plan was to have data entry personnel hired to enter the data, to allow the engineers time to perform more important strategic tasks. Due to the effective usability of the system, however, the engineers came to the realization that the process was fast enough to accept their data while they acquired it.

Human Resource Information System

Client: Patriot HR  Date: 2003

Project Description: HR outsourcing startup, Patriot HR, required an online application to track and display HR related information to small businesses. Originally structured as a PEO, the need was to track a set number of benefit offerings, and allow for payroll processing. The project expanded to include time keeping components, vacation tracker, 401k investment interface, and a paperless new hire process. I performed the information architecture, which included site blueprints, wireframes, and user interface design. I also flowcharted business processes such as the paperless getting started process, the form processing of the WtW/WOTC "welfare to work" federal tax credit, and the process to establish a secure digital form signature. I served as the project manager, collaborating with marketing, management, development, HR, and customer service through final delivery.

Online Recruiting Software

Client: Top Echelon Network  Date: 2007

Project Description: Big BIller is the leader in online recruiting software with nearly 2500 active users. It is a contact management application that targets independent and corporate recruiters. The existing interface, based on 15 years of experience in servicing recruiters, was over 6 years old and needing an update. I performed a heuristic review of the current site, and delivered a strategy for the architecture of the new site. The new version of the site was to be an upgrade from ASP to ASP.NET, and had to integrate the existing functionality with the new structure. I created wireframes only, as the existing site map was still appropriate. The software is currently in development.

HRIS Redesign

Client: Patriot HR  Date: 2006

Project Description: As Patriot HR migrated it's business plan from a PEO to an ASO performing Business Process Outsourcing, it was necessary to update the HRIS with new functionality that would allow the system to be sold as a system of separate modules as Software as a Service. This created a complex taxonomy, as the information was not only separated by classification, but by service offering as well. I collaborated with the SPHR specialists on the needs and service separations of the site, as well as created blueprints and wireframes for the application. My work on the project strategy saved the company tens of thousands of dollars in wasted development time, and cut many weeks from the project schedule. This software is currently in development.